Pantheon helps individuals with disabilities live their best lives
There are several ways for you to support Pantheon
Cash and in-kind donations
Designate your United Way gift to Pantheon
Memorials and Honorariums
Planned Giving (wills, trusts, real estate, life insurance)
Cash and in-kind options for giving
Donate gifts of cash through our secure Pantheon PayPal or mail your donation to our Pantheon Campus location:
Pantheon Industries, Inc.
Attn: Rick Block, Director of Development
W332 N6786 County Road, C
Nashotah, WI 53058 -
Set up an automatic monthly giving schedule.
Attend one of our fundraising events.
Consider us when planning your estate and leave a legacy for all to remember. Give gifts of stock, tangible personal property, life insurance policies, or retirement plans. Contact Rick Block, our Development Director, for more information.
Make a gift in memory or in honor of a loved one, friend, or special life event. You can safely donate through our secure PayPal. Make any notes about the gift under “purpose.”
Work with your employer for automatic deductions from your paycheck and see if they will match your gift.
If you wish to help by making an in‐kind donation, review our wish list.
Planned Giving to Pantheon Industries
Explore a variety of planned gift options to meet your needs and goals
Here a few of the more common examples of planned gifts. In all cases, we suggest you consult a professional to discuss your options. Please contact us to discuss making a planned gift to Pantheon Industries.
What is best for you?
Charitable Bequests
A charitable bequest is simply a distribution from your estate through your will or living trust.
Retirement Plans
You can name Pantheon Industries the successor beneficiary of all or a portion of your IRA, 401(k), or other retirement accounts. The designation is revocable and does not generate a charitable income tax deduction, but distributions from retirement accounts to surviving family members can be subject to both income and estate tax. Directing the balance of a retirement plan to charity removes the most-taxed asset from your estate, freeing up other, more favorably taxed assets to give to family and heirs. You also have the reassurance that you can continue to take withdrawals from your plan during your lifetime.
Life Insurance
You can name Pantheon Industries as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. In this example there several options to consider:
You can contribute a fully paid-up policy.
You can contribute a policy on which some premiums remain to be paid. In both cases, you can claim a charitable deduction for the value of the donated policy.
You can (revocable) name Pantheon Industries as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy that you continue to own and maintain or;
You can name Pantheon Industries the owner and beneficiary of a new life insurance policy and make ongoing gifts that offset the premiums needed to maintain the policy.
Charitable Gift Annuity
A charitable gift annuity is a simple contract between you and Pantheon. In exchange for your irrevocable gift of cash, securities, or other assets, Pantheon agrees to make fixed cash payments (in quarterly installments) for the life of one annuitant, usually the donor, or the lives of two annuitants, typically the donor and the donor's partner. Payments begin immediately after the gift is made.
Annuitants must be 65 years of age or older. With a deferred payment gift annuity, your income payments begin at a future date that you specify. Because payments are deferred, you will receive a higher annual income, which may be used as a source of guaranteed retirement income.
Annuitants must be 35 years of age or older at the time the gift is made. Financial benefits of gift annuities may include a federal income tax charitable deduction, reduced and deferred capital gains tax on appreciated property, reduction of one's taxable estate, and enhanced cash flow.
Retained Life Estate
A retained life estate is a gift plan defined by federal tax law that allows you to donate your home, farm, or vacation home to Pantheon while retaining the right to live in it for the rest of your life. As the creator of a retained life estate, you irrevocably deed to Pantheon your residence, but retain the right to live in it for the rest of your life, a term of years, or a combination of the two. While you retain the right to live on your property, you continue to be responsible for all routine expenses—maintenance fees, insurance, property taxes, repairs, etc. When your retained life estate ends, Pantheon can then use your property or the proceeds from the sale of your property.
Pantheon Wish List
Help us in our mission. Please let us know if you have something on the list to donate or can purchase an item for Pantheon Industries.
Administrative Services
Basic office supplies
Educational conferences for staff development—$100 to $500
Ergonomic tables
Ergonomic chairs
Rolling tables/carts
Material handling equipment
Tablets or iPads
Day Services
Gift cards to Hobby Lobby or Walmart
Monetary support for music and sensory room items
Tickets to sporting events or theatre
Digital cameras (2)
Musical performances
Musical instruments
NuStep machine
Art therapy (group or individual)
Composite benches for outdoors
Composite outdoor Swing
Sustainable Agriculture
Farm equipment and implements
Chicken coop
Goat pens
Trees, plants, and mulch
Patio bricks
Animal husbandry barn/shed
Building supplies
Long Term Supports
Sensory room equipment
iPhones and iPads
Walkie talkies
Lift chair
White boards
Thank you for your support!
Your support helps us help people with disabilities in our community.
Learn more about giving opportunities
Rick Block
Development Director
(262) 853-4304